Thursday, December 1, 2011


My blog is the most successful thing about me- if you count success in pageviews. I have a skewed version of success apparently. I'm not sure what it is really. That people like you? That you have a lot of friends? If those are the requirements, I fail. People seem to like my photos, but in art school, I have to do more than photography. I have to do sculpture and drawing. What if I'm not a sculpture? Does that mean I'm unsuccessful? If I don't have a goal, and I don't accomplish that un-goal, then did I really fail?

Grades in school are the ultimate factor depending on success of failure. In grade school, if you get an F then you fail, don't go on to the next grade, continue to fail, don't go to college, work at a fast food restaurant for the rest of you life. If your goal was to accomplish working at Burger King, then did you fail? In the worlds eyes, yes. But what does that really matter? "Don't care about what other people think of you" we're always told. But we do. It's human nature. We can't help but wonder if Sally likes our dress of if Cameron thinks we're smart and pretty.

What is success? What does it matter? Does it mean anything anyway? We have multiple stages in life. If you fail one stage does that mean you automatically fail them all? Who decides if you succeed or fail? Are you letting someone else decide on your future? Do you trust anyone enough to do that?

Do I fail?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's ok. I'm an artist now, but it's a very strange place to be.

In my last post I said I didn't feel like an artist. Lately, I have felt like more of an artist than a person.Is a person an artist or an artist a person? This my be the cause of my current migraine.

People that I grew up with have started thinking of me as more of a photographer than as someone they have been friends with since the sixth grade. I've focused on my career more than my actual school work. I have been hired for weddings, done photo shoots, and have had people volunteer to be a model. I am in the process of setting up some shadowing positions for photographers in my home town. I am only in my second year of college, so is this really necessary yet? My twentieth birthday is in a few weeks and what I have asked for is more photo equipment.

Let's talk for a second about audience. Who is my audience? I'm not really sure, actually. My art blog, IntegArt, reached 2,000 pageviews yesterday. I started it in March of this year and in the past few months it has really taken off. I post new projects or themes on it weekly and then post the link to Facebook. I know my mother cannot have been all 2,000 views. So who is looking at my art? One of the referring sites that has popped up is a website that is very exclusive and the link is posted in the "private boards" of the site. Not having been a "good member" of the site, I cannot view those boards, so I have no idea who posted the link and what kind of people have clicked on it. It bothers me some, but I have no shame in my art and I know it is appropriate for anyone to see.

Why is my art gaining popularity? I'm just a kid with a camera, and not even a really nice one at that. Ever since I started, my parents have told me that I have a gift, but what makes me different from everyone else? I've done this for about seven years now, but I haven't had any formal photo training. Based on the evidence, I should be a nobody, but according to the numbers, people like my art.

So. What now?

Monday, November 7, 2011

A few thoughts for today...

I'm not an artist.

I don't feel like it anyway. I've always wanted to be an artist. I'm finally here, so what's wrong?

I don't paint. I can't really draw. My art vocabulary extends to words that I can count on one hand.I take pictures. What am I doing here? What do I want to do? I have so many questions.

What counts as an artist? Are musicians performance/sound artists? Can you paint with words? What about writers who provide such imagery that may be more powerful than any visual representation could ever be? Most of all: What is the point?

Art is only for art people. Everyone can look at it, but how many people actually care? Art people. Let's do a little experiment. What do you see?

This is Georgie O'Keefe's Ram's Head White Hollyhock and Little Hills. 

Normal Person: I see a skull. With a flower. And some sky. Pretty cool. 
Art Person: I see fallopian tubes. A female reproductive painting. This work is all about femininity and embracing the power of woman.

Art has messed me up.