Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Daily Routine

I'll be honest. I'm still trying to figure out this net art stuff. But I'm really working hard at it and actually starting to get it. I figured that a good first blog entry would be my normal internet routine, So here goes.

Wake up.

Yahoo! Mail
Weather Forecast
Google Plus
Dear Blank, Please Blank
I Waste So Much Time
Attack of the Cute

At some other point during the day

IntegArt Stats
Lists Galore!

On a weekly basis


My basic understanding of the internet contains a lot of kittens, Star Wars, and celebrity gossip. Certainly there is more to the internet than that. With the net artists I have discovered, there is an approachable quality to some but an unreachable quality to others. I find myself thinking a lot, "I don't get it..."

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